Spring vs Winter Ratings

Winter Season Average % 7.14%
Winter Season Median % -4.96%
Spring Season Average 12.66%
Spring Season Median -5.33%

Before I start too much I’ll link my data for anyone who wants to check numbers and ect. At face value its easy to see the winter season didn’t have as many high(bad) end shows that drove the numbers up on the averages. So focusing on the median numbers more it would seem like the spring was a stronger season compared to the winter season. Lets look at the same data but taking out the outliers.

Spring Average w/o Outliers -10.41%
Spring Median w/o Outliers -10.99%
Winter Average w/o Outliers -11.50%
Winter Median w/o Outliers -6.05%

Averages’ only have a difference of about 1% so you could say the seasons’ had the same weight or strength. The spring did have an about 5% lead in the median. In both cases it shows that on average that we(viewers/raters) on MAL undervalue shows in the early weeks. Spring with a lower median would think it shows that we had a better shows than we thought in the beginning of the season. Could also be from having less shows in the pool because high amount of outliers in the spring season compared to the winter season. Thinking for this summer season I may compare season averages and medians based on the 3rd week vs the first week to see if that helps on outliers or keeping the season numbers closer to 0%. Cause you would hope that a show was just as good in the beginning as compared to the end. That a series didn’t magically get awesome in the 6th or 9th episode of the series. With that thought in mind some of the problems could be that I’m using the MAL weighted ratings.  Shows would be undervalued in general in the first week or two because a good number of viewers may not rate till the 3rd episode comes out. So empty numbers hurting the weighted rating on MAL till more of the empty numbers add a score. Not sure though, I’ll have to look into that at some point.

In the end I’d say that the winter season shows surprised us more than the spring shows did. Below is the list of the biggest movers(surprises) in the spring then winter season. Move based on % from first week aired and not MAL rating numbers or the weighted score number out of ten.

Ping Pong the Animation
No Game No Life
Sidonia no Kishi
Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou
Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii
Nagi no Asukara
Kill La Kill
Hoozuki no Reitetsu

I’ll be continuing to track the airing shows and will have more stats posts in the future. Looking forward to comparing the year as a whole down the line. I’ll look at just shorts and sequels at the end of the year, waiting for the observations to build up. 🙂




Spring 2014 Top 10

Spring was a much easier season to watch in my eyes. Winter had most of its talent in just a few shows compared to this spring where there is a lot of pretty good shows. Luckily or maybe unluckily I based my top 10 off of the series end time and not the beginning so no baby steps or Haikyuu here.

#10 Black Bullet

Black Bullet is an action baseBlack Bulletd show about using super power girls to fight the monsters called “Gastrea”. The show isn’t the best by any means but its a fun ride overall. The story wasn’t the best but worked for the plot setting of the anime. What holds the show back was that this show was only 12 episodes long and not 24 like a lot of other shows this season. As such the pacing is too fast for the series to show you great fun action and character development. Good number of the character get no background on or development throughout the show. Luckily the main duo pair get just enough to keep the story together.



#9 Isshuukan Friends

Could you be friendsIsshuukan Friends. with someone who forgot you every week? That’s the plot of Week Long Friends, Hase is a boy who tries to be friends with Fujimiya  who loses her memories every week on Sunday night.Went into this show thinking it be a huge tearjerker with good development. I was only mostly right, the show isn’t as tear-jerking as you would think. The best thing the show does is how it shows male friendship overall. Hase and Inoue have one of the most realistic friendship I’ve seen in an anime.



#8 Gokukoku no Brynhildr

Gokukoku no Brynhildr

Superpower girls and one lucky boy get all tied up together as they fight an evil company that is making these poor girls as experiments. Brynhildr is what I’d call a dark harem (harem with a dark setting/theme). The harem girls are the stars of the show and really make the show what it is. The story at times is weak and doesn’t fill all the holes at the end but lets you guess to what happens. Overall Brynhildr is an enjoyable fantasy show that will surprise you.




#7 Mushishi Zoku Shou

Mushishi Zoku Shou

Mushishi Zoku Shou is the second season to Mushishi and continues in the same wonderful style as the first. Mushishi is an episodic format anime that tales a story each episode. They can make you happy or bitter at core ideas it shows in the episodes. If you never have seen Mushishi before you could pick right up here and be okay without seeing the first series. The first episode does a good job of telling the viewers what are Mushishi and the role they fill in the world.

Great show to relax and enjoy in 20 minutes at a time.



#6 Selector Infected

Selector Infected WIXOSSSelector was my dark horse of the season and very happy to know it’s getting a second season. After watching Madoka Magic this week, I think Selector is a lot like it in ways it focuses on character growth. Selector is a high roller coaster with an easy ride up but has a big fall and many twists on the way down. Recommend you check out my past post on this series for information.




#5 Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii

Soredemo Sekai wa UtsukushiiSoredemo is a solid romance about a girl who can call on the rain and marries the sun king. Classic opposites attract and make each other even better. Any fan of romance should check this one out as it has wonderful pacing. Only problem I had with the series is that the same song is used to call down the rain every time.





#4 Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou

Bokura wa Minna KawaisouBokura wa Minna is the best comedy in my eyes from this spring and even has a great romance in the background of all the laughs. Story is very simple as it’s about a boy’s life living in this Kawai Complex as he goes to high school. Best part of the show are the voice actors and the jokes are timed very well.





#3 Love Live 2

Love Live! School Idol Project 2nd SeasonOne of my favorites in the idol genre. Love Live comes back for its second season and builds off its first season wonderfully. This time around the girls get one last shot at Love Live before the 3rd years leave. If you liked the first season then you will be happy that the second is better in terms of music in my eyes and the girls really feel like a family by the end.

Never forget Nico-Ni!



#2 Sidonia no Kishi

Sidonia no KishiSidonia was the biggest surprise to me of the whole season for me. Never would have thought I’d fall in love with a CGI anime like this. Sidonia setting is a post-apocalyptic sci-fi anime much like Battlestar Galactica where man is on the run from some type of non-human enemy. Sidonia had a very rough start in my eyes as it was hard to get into the story and the CGI at the same time. After a few episodes though I was hooked onto the story and even the characters. Sidonia may hold the record for making me so mad at a character I even had to pause the episode for a bit.  The best thing about Sidonia is its soundtrack/background music as many of the action scenes you can really feel like you’re in the cockpit of the mech. Very enjoyable series and look forward to the second season.

#1 No Game No Life

No Game No LifeNGNL is an adventure anime that follows a Brother & Sister as they try to save humanity in the game world. The main duo go about winning in the game world through the use of different games since no one can use force or power to take over the world. The games used in the series are overall simple and very easy to understand making it easy to enjoy the show. NGNL came off like it was made for anime with almost no pacing problems and never forgot its story plot to background stories. This is the show that was the highlight of the spring season and shouldn’t be the one you pass over.